December Update


I wonder if like me December often takes you by surprise? We’ve had the first Sunday of Advent - it was only November 27th and to me seemed too early. However, I felt a sense of ‘moving on’ as, on Sunday, we ended our series on Philippians by lighting a candle to commence Advent. I hope that the joy in church last Sunday, exemplified by the scratch gospel choir assembled in the morning, stays with us throughout the month ahead.
The coming of Christ as a baby came as a surprise to many – not least Mary & Joseph. Over these next few weeks, we we’ll be focussing on the greatest gift that the world has ever been given. 
His name is Jesus! 
He came that we might know life, and life to the full. Please use this season as an opportunity to embrace this gift for yourself and invite someone else to receive this gift for themselves. Maybe, you’d want to consider inviting family & friends to one of the things we are doing at Central Hall? Take a few moments to look at what we have planned and pray about who you may want to bring along.
On behalf of our church, I hope and pray that you have a Christmas filled with peace and joy.
As we considered on Sunday, may we all experience the peace of God that transcends all knowledge (Philippians 4:7).



January Update