April Update

'...knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into His presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people, it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.' 2 Cor 4:14-15

Dear friends,

I write at the outset of Holy Week, where we shall enter into the tumultuous emotions of walking with Jesus through adultation and celebration of Palm Sunday, through betrayal and sorrow of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, before we recall with delight and joy the wonder of Resurrection Sunday. The Resurrection stands as the defining event in all of history, and so it deserves wonder and celebration of itself, but the benefits of what resurrection brings those who hope in Christ are remarkable. St Paul outlines to the Christians in Corinth above, some of those blessings, when he says it is 'all for your sake'. Firstly, he notes that because Jesus has been raised, so we too have the hope of resurrection. We need not fear death, nor do we look ahead to some disembodied experience in the sky, but the New Testament makes abundantly clear time and time again, that because Jesus has been raised, so on the last day we too will be raised again - the dead coming to life and reigning with God in His new creation. The resurrection makes possible for you and me the real hope that the best is yet to be.

Secondly, the resurrection demonstrates that Jesus has triumphed over sin once and for all. In His death the sin was cancelled, in His resurrection sin is conquered and defeated once and for all. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we experience the transforming and cleansing grace of God. As we proclaim, celebrate and share this with others, so 'grace extends to more and more people.' This Easter we will have the opportunity of reaching out to customers in our cafes, service-users at our foodbank, children and families in our youth & children's workers and many guests on Easter Sunday morning at our celebration. That is just the opportunities that we have as an organisation! What more do we have when we consider the ample opportunities we each have in our own circle of contacts, to share the hope of resurrection and the opportunity for all to come to discover the life-changing message of the resurrection, God's triumph over sin for themselves.

Lastly, as Paul exhorted the Corinthians to do, let's celebrate with thanksgiving at all God has done. Let us enter into His gates with thanksgiving in our hearts, as we celebrate the most remarkable message in all of human history. There are ample opportunities to mark Holy Week and celebrate Easter at church this week, I encourage you to make the most of these as we embrace the sorrow and the abundant joy that is held out to us in the Easter message.

Christ has died
Christ has risen
Christ will come again.



May Update


March Update